What is the procedure of Getting Started with R for Machine Learning?

Hey mates…

I’m new to machine learning and interested in using R for my projects. I’ve heard that R is great for data analysis and machine learning, but I’m not sure where to start.

Can anyone provide some advice on the best resources or packages to use in R for machine learning? Any tips on how to get started or common pitfalls to avoid would be super helpful!

Thanks a lot…

To use R in machine learning, install it on your system, use RStudio as a development environment, familiarize yourself with R syntax, data structures, and operations, load a dataset, and explore data using summary statistics, plots, and visualization libraries. Easy peasy :innocent:

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I would recommend Data Camp, so number 1 on your list.

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Start with R’s base functionalities and tidyverse package. Use caret for model creation, randomForest for random forest models, and rpart for decision trees. Practice with real datasets and use RStudio for a better interface. Avoid overfitting and always evaluate your models.