I got my first publication!

Hello everyone,

Just over a year ago, a childhood friend who’s a doctor reached out unexpectedly to see if I’d be interested in helping with his idea of using machine learning to screen and select liver cancer patients for transplants.

I agreed, and last weekend, we received our journal publication email.

I’m excited to share the news!

P.S. - If anyone wants to read the paper, DM me.


Congratulations! I’m truly happy for you.

I’d love to read the paper—I’m an ML researcher, and my son, who shared the same passion, was as well.

He sadly passed away because of autoimmune liver disease, so we were both deeply involved in similar research efforts.

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I am sorry to hear that! I hope you are doing fine.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

I have sent you a link to the paper through DM

Just post your ar xiv link, or send me a dm

It is not on arxiv and as per journal policy it cannot be shared there for the next 12 months.

I have DMed you the link.